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Forbes Magazine

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MONEY,  released 25/02/2025
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Next Issue: Next Issue, Date TBC
It’s America’s favourite business magazine, and Forbes has been published every two weeks since 1917. Forbes keeps readers updated on everything to do with American economy, businesses, entreprenuers and their take on international finance. It sounds serious, but there are also plenty of humourous and informative articles throughout, for example, America’s favourite fictional billionaires. There are also product reviews and financial insights into current celebrities.

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It is interesting how many people take such an enormous interest in the wealth of others. Who can afford this mansion, that car, those shoes… The Forbes ‘Word’s Richest’ list is famous throughout, and the current high bidder is Carlos Slim Helu, founder of telecom, with Bill Gates of Microsoft coming in at a close second. The former is worth 69 billion dollars, the latter $61bn. Forbes magazine was created by B Forbes and W Drey, the latter of whom provided the publishing knowledge and information from the Wall Street Stock Exchange. The company has made it’s way through the Forbes generations to this day, a remains to be incredibly popular. The magazine now has a younger sister, ForbesWoman, which publishes financial news and advice directed at business minded females the world over. When it comes to publicising personal wealth, power and tactics, this is the magazine to learn from.


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