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Heat Magazine

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52 issues per year.
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Current Issue

26/10/2024,  released 22/10/2024
(7 in stock)

Features: Meghan Markle, Cheryl

inc. p&p to United Kingdom
Next Issue: 02/11/2024, Due:29/10/2024
This magazine is a legend in the weekly celebrity magazine industry. It is probably one of the most well known, particularly because television adverts regularly feature it. Heat magazine is a humorous weekly celebrity gossip magazine for women. The magazine features exclusive interviews with the most talked about celebrities as well as scandalous photos and the most recent showbiz news. This magazine is designed to satisfy any woman’s hungry need for more celebrity gossip.

Buy a single copy of HEAT or a subscription of your desired length, delivered worldwide. Current issues sent same day up to 3pm! All magazines sent by 1st Class Mail UK & by Airmail worldwide (bar UK over 750g which may go 2nd Class).

We love a bit of gossip here at Newsstand HQ. Frankly who doesn’t like to read about celebrity’s strange lives and silly public gaffs? We have to admit that we love to read about celebrities in crisis because it makes our mundane lives a little brighter!

While there may be people out there who think that the poor old celebrities have had enough torture by the press and should be left alone to live their lives, we say never! As long as celebrities want to be in the public eye then there will be magazines like Heat which will give the public the scoop on all their latest scandals.

On a more positive note, we think that Heat can offer a refreshing approach to how celebrities are viewed. The magazine can occasionally provide pictures of celebrities being caught unaware and looking less than flawless. We think that this approach is far better than letting poor teenage girls think they are ugly because they aren’t perfect like their idols. This magazine reminds us that celebrities are indeed like everyone else. Which in this image obsessed society can only be a good thing!


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