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Conde Nast Traveller Usa Magazine

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12 issues per year.
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Current Issue

SEP-OCT,  released 14/10/2024
(30+ in stock)

Features: Istanbul, Japan, New Zealand

inc. p&p to United Kingdom
Next Issue: OCT-NOV, Due:25/10/2024
The US edition of what is probably the world’s leading travel magazine, Conde Nast Traveller USA looks around the world to bring you information on some of the greatest holiday destinations.

This well-written publication is a great monthly dose of informative escapism; it has a truly pan-global outlook covering everything from Asia to the Americas, Europe to the Middle East. Inside you’ll find articles exploring the local culture, details of where to stay, what to do, what to eat and more for places both well-known and a little off the beaten track, with every story accompanied by some stunning photography. Top quality travel journalism from a well-established name.

Buy a single copy of CONDE NAST TRAVELLER USA or a subscription of your desired length, delivered worldwide. Current issues sent same day up to 3pm! All magazines sent by 1st Class Mail UK & by Airmail worldwide (bar UK over 750g which may go 2nd Class).

Being busy, hardworking types we don’t often get a chance to go on holiday anymore. After having read a copy of Conde Nast Traveller USA we can say that we want to remedy that as soon as possible – we’ve got a serious case of wanderlust going on.

The age-old question, after settling on where to go (we prefer somewhere not too touristy, preferring instead to take the path less travelled), is for how long a holiday should last.

There are those who might stress the merits of the week: ‘It’s a classic period of time! Just long enough that you don’t miss anything important, and you don’t have to use up all your holiday allowance’ they’ll say, and in some respects they will be right. But we always think that, after a day or two settling down, and a day or two knowing that you are leaving soon, there’s not much actual holidaying to be had.

Some might suggest a month – this gets more into the territory of an ‘expedition’ than a holiday. There isn’t anything wrong with it per se, but you have to be rich enough to be able to afford it in the first place, and some of us simply don’t have the time.

A fortnight is getting closer, but we think that 10 days is the perfect holiday span. Long enough to lose yourself in the destination, but not so long that by the time you get back everyone has inexplicably grown a beard. NB


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