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Ancient Egypt Magazine

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NOV-DEC,  released 17/10/2024
(10 in stock)

Features: Ramesses III

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All about the history of the Nile Valley, if it looks, talks and walks like an Egyptian, it’ll be in Ancient Egypt magazine.

This fascinating magazine covers in great detail the absolutely fascinating history of one of the oldest human civilisations. Whether you want to know about every aspect of the culture of the Egyptian people, details of how they lived, what their building were like and much more, this educational magazine has got you covered. Included are articles written by experts in the field, reviews of recently released relevant books and a guide to the all the societies and events regarding ancient Egypt.

Buy a single copy of ANCIENT EGYPT or a subscription of your desired length, delivered worldwide. Current issues sent same day up to 3pm! All magazines sent by 1st Class Mail UK & by Airmail worldwide (bar UK over 750g which may go 2nd Class).

The culture of ancient Egypt is one that has really wormed its way into the western public consciousness. Think about it – everybody knows about the pyramids, the sphinx and hieroglyphics (though these do not, of course, constitute the entirety of ancient Egyptian culture), and whenever the director of a film need a good spooky bad guy, well, you could say the Mummy Returns, if you will excuse the bad pun.

We have no idea quite why this should be the case. Don’t get us wrong, Egyptian cultural history is certainly incredibly fascinating, full of fascinating religious concepts and intriguing pharaohs set in an exotic yet beautiful landscape. We do not, however, ever hear much of the Mesopotamians, or ever a hint of the Hittites, cultures that pre-date the Egyptians and are arguably just as interesting.

Perhaps it is the lingering legacy of the iconography of Egypt that makes it a special case. Pyramids built on an exceptional scale, dead bodies preserved and mummified, writing in the form of pictograms and needle-like obelisks reaching up to the sky. The successful sustaining of these images within our minds is testament to the power and might of the ancient Egyptian people.


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