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Okido Magazine

Further Details

12 issues per year.
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Current Issue

NO 139,  released 04/02/2025
(19 in stock)
inc. p&p to United Kingdom
Next Issue: NO 140, Due:04/03/2025

Feel the need to claw your little ones away from the consumerism onslaught? You might have just found the perfect answer. Okido magazine is a monthly children’s arts and science magazine, made for both boys and girls and made to the highest design quality possible.

Fully setting new standards in the aesthetics of children’s periodical publishing; Okido features fantastic illustration from some of the world’s leading names. Regular characters include: Messy Monster - for it is he who trashes your room when no one’s looking, Felix and Zoe Zim Zam Zoom - who take the reader through scientific experimentation each issue - and Squirrel Boy - who, once dressed in a fake squirrel outfit, becomes nature-boy Albert’s super-hero alter-ego.

Suitable for children aged 3-7 years young.

Buy a single copy of OKIDO or a subscription of your desired length, delivered worldwide. Current issues sent same day up to 3pm! All magazines sent by 1st Class Mail UK & by Airmail worldwide (bar UK over 750g and children's magazines with large free gifts which may go 2nd Class).

Okido is the brainchild of scientist Dr. Sophie Dauvois, and is packed full of informative and fun activities for children and their parents. The phrase ‘Makes Learning Fun’ is perhaps rather overplayed nowadays, but we can tell you that Okido is a very interesting read that carefully balances education with fun. It features plenty of colouring in, experiments (what kid doesn’t love an experiment?), games to play and stories and comics to read.

One of the great things about Okido is the love and attention that is poured into it - as it isn’t produced every week like some other magazines, each each has been carefully planned and is therefore excellently produced. Okido also features some top notch illustration from a large variety of different artists. A winning combination of style and substance that will be appreciated by both children and parents.


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