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Discover Britain Magazine

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OCT-NOV,  released 06/09/2024
(6 in stock)

Features: Leeds Castle, London Day Trips

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Next Issue: DEC-JAN, Due:01/11/2024
Discover Britain, formerly Heritage magazine is the leading British history and travel magazine. Tea, castles, countryside, pubs, architecture, history and of course our beloved queen… It’s all in Discover Britain magazine. It’s crammed full with interesting historical facts and articles, some cracking photography of those people and places which have shaped the nation of Britain along with plenty of crosswords and quizzes. There are interviews with everyone from sailors to shepherds, architects and enthusiasts, along with profiles on British celebrities and all of our favourite triumphs, such as Stonehenge, the HMS Victory, Canterbury Cathedral and many more.

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“Oh my God, are you from Britain?” A phrase myself among many have heard repeatedly when visiting New York. Nobody really knows why, but the English accent seems to send most Americans into a frenzy. It stands for everything my ancestors took pride in; class, chivalry, history and tradition. Despite these connotations still being settled within the accent, can we honestly say that many of us still take those things into account during every day life? It perhaps sounds petty, but I think it’s a shame that I love it when a bloke holds a door open for me, but it saddens me that I notice it at all because fifty years ago, it would be an expected common courtesy.

There are those that say chivalry is dead and good riddance, but I think people have forgotten the line between charming manners and pandering. It takes one man who insists on being the modern gentleman for us girls to have a bit of hope. Admittedly the modern man has a bit of a hard time… He offers to pay for dinner and he is stifling a woman’s independency and rights, whereas if he doesn’t he is being ungentlemanly. Quite the predicament, but it can be easily solved with chivalry from both man and woman.

For goodness sake guys, offer to pay and girls, split the bill and be pleased you went out for dinner at all. I feel we need to return to our roots and regain some of that charm, eloquence and good manners that we were once so highly praised for.


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