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Lion’s Roar is the next step for those who want to know about the teachings and principles expounded in bestselling publications such as the Dalai Llama’s The Art of Happiness, and other popular writers like Jack Kornfield and Sharon Salzberg.
For The Shambhala Sun magazine, high quality writing and breathtaking art express the sanity, clarity, and strength of the contemplative traditions, and these stand as the foundations on which the magazine is based.
The Shambhala Sun magazine features profiles of upstanding spiritual gurus and pioneers, and explores in more depth many theories and issues, such as how Darwin viewed human compassion from an evolutionary perspective.
Mixed in is practical advice, suggestions and inspiration on how to achieve peace and wisdom in your life, with mindful parenting, meditative chores, and more.
The Shambhala Sun magazine also covers the basics: how to meditate, why you should meditate, and what you can hope to achieve from regular meditation. The Shambhala Sun is packed with practices for the mind, body, and heart, dealing with love, liberation, zen, and the pursuit of true happiness.
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Buddhism, Culture, Meditation, Life. The Shambhala Sun is today’s best-selling and most widely-read Buddhist magazine, an award-winning bimonthly respected for the quality of its writing and the beauty of its design. The Shambhala Sun offers authentic teachings from the Buddhist and other contemplative traditions, and applies the wisdom born of meditative practice to all the important issues in life - from livelihood, parenting, and relationships to politics, social action, and the arts.