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Ns - Current World Archaeology Magazine

in Other Interests ... History

Ns - Current World Archaeology Magazine

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6 issues per year.
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Current Issue

DEC-JAN,  released 18/11/2021
(14 in stock)
inc. p&p to United Kingdom
Next Issue: JUN-JUL, Due:23/05/2024
First published in 1967, World Archaeology magazine is the UK’s leading magazine (in both quality and sales) around archaeology. Covering dig sites internationally and breaking research and discoveries as they come in, fit for anyone with a childlike wonder for history or a hard-nosed desire to dig out the truth of a misty and faded past. Its stated aim is to bridge the divide between the amateur and the professional, bringing these disparate groups in expertise, yet equal in passion, together towards the mutual goal of bringing history to life and to the world.

Buy a single copy of NS - CURRENT WORLD ARCHAEOLOGY or a subscription of your desired length, delivered worldwide. Current issues sent same day up to 3pm! All magazines sent by 1st Class Mail UK & by Airmail worldwide (bar UK over 750g which may go 2nd Class).

Museums try to remind us that our past is not obvious, it is hard won by hard work in preserving documents, and occasionally digging in stodgy conditions for preciously fragile items that we must then work to find their story. Yet this little fact is almost always forgotten in the modern flurry of CGI-heavy documentaries and history programmes that distract us from the rather more precarious truth. Finding rare artefacts retains its allure, but what they can tell us is rarely obvious and often obscure. Remembering this little reality may make us rethink our often unstated appreciation for the lines of work that makes our national exhibits and flashy history shows possible.

Thankfully however, with magazines like Current World Archaeology leading the way with their heads firmly entrenched within the ongoing research, we have a window in that makes us see past the superficiality of ‘digging into the dirt’ and reap the real rewards. This magazine is a staple of similarly-themed titles, but what sets it apart is its quality and decades of experience inside both the professional world of cutting edge researching, and the amateur world of up-and-coming archaeologists and general enthusiasts. Current World Archaeology’s coverage of sites the world over give it great heft, alongside its first-hand stories from the mouths of those on the ground; this is a title that grants readers an intimate glance into the world of archaeology.


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