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Dwell Magazine

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6 issues per year.
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Current Issue

SEP-OCT,  released 18/10/2024
(18 in stock)

Features: Designers

inc. p&p to United Kingdom
Next Issue: Next Issue, Date TBC
Dwell magazine is a fresh, funky look at home interior and exterior design, including a buyer’s guide to their favourite furniture and products, and tips and ideas on how to update your home. With content comprehensively organised into the different rooms in your home, Dwell has an idea for every space you occupy, and is accessible, creative and modern, allowing you access to the ideas you need to make your home quintessentially yours.

Buy a single copy of DWELL or a subscription of your desired length, delivered worldwide. Current issues sent same day up to 3pm! All magazines sent by 1st Class Mail UK & by Airmail worldwide (bar UK over 750g which may go 2nd Class).

Divided into kitchens, dining rooms, bedrooms, living rooms, bathrooms, offices and even touching on gardens, Dwell magazine describes every single thing you might want in each room, helping you to achieve a unified vision of your home.

For example, in the kitchen section, yes, there is a range of kitchen worktops and chairs, as you might expect. But Dwell is so detailed that it even suggests choices of cutlery and utensils that might look good in your selected kitchen. Dwell magazine very much believes that creative, exciting spaces are made, not born, and like a work of art have to be constructed with care and flair. We agree, and we think you will too.

There are also creative solutions to common and complex problems that might occur when you’re constructing your home: one man opts for an artificial lawn, as London is damp in the autumn and winter and he wanted his garden to be accessible to his children at all times of the year. It is our thinking that the children would have had no qualms about rolling around in the mud at any time of year, and it was probably the house that would have become inaccessible to them afterwards. By carpeting his lawn, he almost certainly saved his carpets.

Another father was challenged by his daughter’s hatred of bath time, so set up her own glorious stone tub in the corner of her own bedroom. Now her bath is an extension of her play area. It’s featured innovations like this that make Dwell magazine stand out from other, more hum-drum home design publications. A subscription or will see you always inspired to improve the space around you.


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