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Fly Fisherman Magazine

in Sports ... Game Fishing

Fly Fisherman Magazine

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AUG-SEP,  released 30/07/2024
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Features: Frogs

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Next Issue: DEST 24, Due:25/10/2024
Fly Fisherman Magazine, from the US, is the ultimate source for fly fishing enthusiasts.. It’s ideal for anyone already into or interested in fly fishing and includes a wealth of tips and information to aid you. It reviews the latest in fly fishing technology, contains extensive articles containing tips on how best to hook various fish and where to find them and even keeps readers updated on water way news from around the country. Learn how to use nature to your advantage by creating natural looking bait and hooks, or check up on how to repair your rods and lines. There is so much to read and learn, definitely worth a look!

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The closest I’ve got to fishing is in a small putt-putt boat off the coast of a small town in Beer, Devon. Beer is a fishing village, but for summer time tourists like myself, a bloke rents out his boats so that we can chuck a couple of lines over the side and wait for a bite while being drenched in sea spray. The first few times we went, we didn’t realise that using bait might actually mean we caught more than one or two mackerel, so once we’d got a little adventurous in the local tackle shop, we were well on our way. One particularly rocky trip out over the waves took me and my family on a rollercoaster ride, being thrown around by some pretty enormous waves. I can’t deny that I was very proud when I caught three little mackerel, but no one could top my sister, who pulled her line from the water, then promptly shrieked as we all picked our feet up from the floor of the boat. Wriggling and writhing was a vicious looking eel with a great long beak that turned out to be pretty sharp when it took a nip at my dad’s hand. Of course, the triumph of these fishing trips come when we wrap them up in foil and cook them on the barbeque, and I must say, even that eel tasted pretty good.


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