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Stationary Engine Magazine

Further Details

12 issues per year.
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Current Issue

OCT 24,  released 23/08/2024
(7 in stock)

Features: Ricky Kemp

inc. p&p to United Kingdom
Next Issue: Next Issue, Date TBC
Long-running magazine devoted to covering everything of interest to stationary engine enthusiasts, Stationary Engine Magazine is one of those wonderfully straightforward titles we get here at Newsstand.

Each issue of this frank and honest magazine covers in depth the world of stationary engines, of the flywheel, painted iron and gloriously mechanical variety. There are features on significant engines, details of open days and events and coverage of ongoing restoration projects. Stationary Engine Magazine also includes a parts for sale, reviews of related books and an identity and assistance section for those looking for help in finding out about their engines.

Buy a single copy of STATIONARY ENGINE or a subscription of your desired length, delivered worldwide. Current issues sent same day up to 3pm! All magazines sent by 1st Class Mail UK & by Airmail worldwide (bar UK over 750g which may go 2nd Class).

We can’t help but think that if you were to draw a large Venn diagram – you know, the ones you learnt at school with the two circles representing qualities and the overlap section representing the amount of things with both qualities – charting ‘People who like stationary engines’ and ‘People who appreciate a good real ale’ there would be a huge overlap. Which is to say – those who would love Stationary Engine Magazine also appreciate a finely brewed pint, and the reasons for the love of both are really quite similar.

Just like a stationary engine, a proper pint of real ale takes time to perfect. There will be many trial runs, unsuccessful experiments and tiny but important adjustments to be made before everything begins to run smoothly. What’s more, they both require an almost arcane sort of knowledge, the kind of intuition that makes you say ‘hold on a moment, what about if we trying doing this?’

The people who make the best real ales and those who lovingly restore stationary engines have a lot in common; patience, dextrous skill, down-to-earthedness and above all a good beard and a good beer. NB


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